Riata offers moose and caribou hunts in Alaska, as well as the across Canada in the Yukon, Northwest Territories, Alberta, Newfoundland, and British Columbia.


Riata places clients into the finest moose hunting areas in North America. Starting in New Foundland, Canada with the highest moose population on Earth. As you move west, the moose get larger and larger and the hunts more expensive, finally ending up in Alaska, the largest moose in the world.
New Foundland – 38”-53” wide moose $4900 – $8900
Alberta 45”-55” wide moose $9500 – $24,000
British Columbia 53” – 65” wide moose $28,000 – $35,000
Northwest Territories 56”-72” wide moose $30,000 – $38,000
Yukon & Alaska – 58”-75” wide moose $28,500 – $40,000
Our moose hunts can be combined with caribou, grizzly & brown bear, wild Dall & Stone sheep, mountain goat, black bear, wolf & wolverine.

We offer horseback hunts, hunts by boat, and backpack hunts from lodges, trappers cabins and tented camps.
We use planes to access these areas. Our moose hunts are guided 1×1 and are all inclusive of meals, lodging, & game care.
Your physical ability, how you’d like to hunt, budget and trophy goals determine our recommendation on where we hunt you.

spanning 62” wide

Mike Gardner
Riata Worldwide Hunting & Fishing
“Sportsman’s Connection to Texas & Abroad”
(512) 261-2400 | [email protected]