Our bear hunts fall into our 5 most popular hunts here at Riata. We have handled hundreds of bear hunters over the last decade. We put clients into the finest bear hunting areas known to man. In spring of 2019 our clients harvested 3 brown bear that made “ all time Boone & Crockett” . Three more bears made Boone & Crockett. We took 4 brown bears over 10 feet! Only one client did not harvest a bear which was wounded and lost.
Our grizzly hunts take place in the Yukon, Northwest Territories, and interior Alaska. Hopefully we”ll return to hunting grizzlys in British Columbia which is currently closed. These bears range 7-9 feet with a 8- 8 1/2 ft average. These are interior mountain grizzlys and forage on berries, grass, ground squirrels, insects & grubs, fish, and kills on moose, caribou, black bears & others.We glass valleys & mountainsides and cruise streams & rivers by boat. We offer horseback hunts as well! We offer ATV hunts & famous “ baited hunts” from blinds over baited stations!Our grizzly hunts range from $9950-$22,000 depending.We offer spring, summer & fall hunts. We have been about 90% success on these hunts.
Todd H. and his Sept 2017 Talkeetna spot & stalk grizzly 2019 Alaska Grizzly
Brown Bear

Riata offers brown bear and grizzly hunts in Alaska, British Columbia and the Yukon.
Our brown bear hunts are offered from a wide range of areas & methods in Alaska including, but not limited to the mighty Alaskan peninsula, and a private chain of islands 10 hours by yacht from Prince William Sound , also Admiralty Island and Wood River- Tikchik State Park!
On our brown bear hunts we have everything from traditional tented camp hunts to 4 star lodge & trappers cabin hunts to hunts aboard a 60 ft. yacht where you can sleep in a warm bed, eat great meals, have a hot shower and hunt each day by skiff.Our brown bear hunts average $18,500 and go up from there. We offer spring & fall hunts both.
Maxwell and his Boone & Crockett , spot & stalk brown bear over 10’!
Killed 20 minutes into the hunt on day 1Luis F. and his giant May 2019 , spot & stalk brownie Baited brown bear hunts
Black Bear

Riata offers black bear hunts in New Mexico, Alberta and Manitoba. We also hunt Alaskan Polar Bear.
Black bear (black)
Our black bear hunts have been a whopping 100% success for years. We offer both spot and stalk hunts in Vancouver Inlet, Canada where we hunt by skiffs glassing shorelines and by ATV on logging roads glassing logging cuts.
We also offer “ stand hunts” in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba that range from $3500-$4950 including all great meals, nice lodging and great guides. Clients hunt from tree stands or blinds over baited areas.In some areas you can take 2 bears!
Case in point, March of 2019 our founder escorted 7 corporate group hunters on a “ Riata hosted spot & stalk hunt” for black bears in Vancouver Inlet. 7 men took 7 bears in 4 days from 6’3-6’11.This hunt ranges from $6500-$7900. We offer spring & fall hunts both.
Black bear (color phase)
Our color phase hunts for tan, cinnamon & chocolate colored black bears take place on huge private ranches in New Mexico, Colorado & Utah. These ranches are BIG! 285,000 acres, 170,000 acres, 225,000 acres, 450,000 acres and more. We’ve been 100% success on these hunts over the best hounds in the country. These bears average 275-450 pounds and have beautiful coats of fur.These hunts run $3900-$5900. We have very nice ranch house lodging and a 5 star 20,000 sq ft lodge for corporate groups!
Mike Gardner
Riata Worldwide Hunting & Fishing
“Sportsman’s Connection to Texas & Abroad”
(512) 261-2400 | [email protected]