Muskox & Reindeer (Caribou) Hunting in Greenland
Forget the snowmobiles, dogsleds and incredibly extreme temperatures of the Arctic. Forget iced-up weapons and clothing so heavy you can hardly move with freeze dried food or jerky meat or broth soup. Pursuing a B&C-class trophy on a Greenland Muskox hunting trip DURING THE SUMMER offers a truly enjoyable experience from start to finish, with warm temperatures and some of the most spectacular scenery on Earth. An adventure on its own, this hunt offers the possibilities of additional sightseeing in Iceland or Greenland, free arctic char fishing and small game hunting, and a perfect success rate on musk oxen to date.

Hunters must fly into Narsarsuaq, Greenland. Most clients will connect via Reykjavik, Iceland; however, flights to Greenland are also available via Copenhagen, Denmark. Starting in 2015, clients will travel directly to camp by high-speed rescue boat upon arriving in Greenland. Expect approximately five hours of sailing to reach camp. At the conclusion of the hunt, clients may boat from camp directly back to Narsarsuaq for their departing flights. With this schedule, no expensive hotels in Greenland will be required. A hotel overnight in Reykjavik should be expected.
When flying to Greenland on Air Iceland, clients will be limited to 20KG (44 pounds) of checked luggage plus a limit of 6KG of hand luggage. A surcharge will apply for overweight luggage.

All hunting is conducted by spot and stalk methods. Clients will eat a warm breakfast each morning before departing camp by boat. Sailing the shorelines in search of muskox is the primary method to locate game. Upon spotting quality trophies, clients will be taken to shore and will stalk their game on a 1×1 basis with their guide. Musk oxen are most often found close to the water and only minimal physical effort is needed.

Depending on the season, CARIBOU OR REINDEER may or may not require climbing/hiking for success. Clients hunting caribou or reindeer in August should expect to climb 1,000 or more vertical feet and cover several miles at a minimum to reach productive caribou country, and should be in good physical condition. Caribou or reindeer hunting in September or October is physically easier as the animals are often found closer to the coast and less physical effort is required to hunt them. Caribou or reindeer hunts are typically guided on a 2×1 ratio.

Most hunts will utilize remote cabins for the duration of the trip. Cabins are very basic and do not have running water, electricity or toilet facilities; however, a generator is expected starting in 2015. Due to weight restrictions, the outfitter provides sleeping bags. Most cabins have two to three bedrooms with wooden bunk-style beds. Warm and plentiful meals, often consisting of fish and meats from the region, are prepared by an Inuit cook and served for breakfast and dinner at camp; packed lunches are taken during the day.

The muskox hunting in Greenland is nothing short of fantastic and the trophy quality is absolutely incredible. The population and annual harvest are carefully managed and the numbers are continually rising. Clients can expect to see many musk oxen each day and should not expect to shoot the first mature bull they see. With many trophies scoring between 105 and 115 inches Boone and Crockett trophies can be guaranteed.
Caribou and Reindeer numbers are currently low, but the trophy quality is very good. Hunters should not expect to see large numbers of caribou / reindeer but mature, trophy bulls are available for those who are patient and/or physically able to climb and hike. Caribou / Reindeer are typically fully grown by early August and velvet free by early September.
This outfitter specializes in archery hunts, but rifle hunters are welcome. Archery shot distances will average 20–30 yards. 500-grain or heavier arrows with fixed-blade broadheads (required) are recommended, as arrow penetration on heavy-haired 800-pound musk ox can be difficult. The minimum rifle caliber is .30 and rifle distances on musk oxen average 50–150 yards.

Trophies will be skinned upon harvest and taken to a freezing container where they will remain frozen until the end of the season in October. At that time, trophies will be shipped to Denmark, where the skulls will be cleaned and the hides will be dry-tanned. Upon completion, the tanned hides and cleaned skulls will then be shipped to the United States. It is currently not possible to take trophies home as checked luggage.
A typical seven-day itinerary will include five full days in camp, with the possibility of hunting the evening upon arrival. The first three days are usually spent hunting musk ox on a 1×1 guide-to- hunter ratio, with the remaining two days for 2×1 guided caribou hunting and fishing for arctic char. Clients should expect to draw straws for musk ox hunting order. However, it is common for two musk oxen to be harvested each day, leaving extra time for caribou at the client’s discretion.
Musk ox (Greenland variety) and central barren-ground caribou/ reindeer are the primary species available. Arctic char are extremely abundant in freshwater rivers and streams and lingcod, black halibut, flounder, etc. are frequently caught in the saltwater fjords. If time and weather permit and the animals are in season, hunting for arctic hare, ptarmigan, seal and fox may be added at no additional cost.

Musk ox hunts may be booked during the months of July, August, September and early October.
Although the weather may be a factor during any hunt period, the summer months offer a great opportunity to hunt, with warm temperatures reaching more than 60°F. Nighttime temperatures may dip below 40°F and rain and/or wind may be experienced on any hunt date.
The CARIBOU/REINDEER hunting season begins August 1st and extends into October.
One Muskox trophy, guided 1×1
One Caribou of any size, guided 2×1 (combination hunts only) Export document, licenses and permits
Boat transfers from Narsarsuaq to Qaqortoq and return Accommodations/meals at camp
All paperwork to bring in your weapon into Greenland Experienced guide
Airfare to Narsarsuaq, Greenland and return
Trophy handling, crating, shipping, import taxes and taxidermist fees Transfer hotel overnights
Alcoholic beverages
Gratuities at client’s discretion
Travel and cancellation insurance

The Inuit name of Greenland is Kalaallit (meaning “Land of the people”; Danish: Grønland). Technically part of Denmark, Greenland is a free country, and many don’t realize that it’s part of North America. It lies east of Canada on the border of the Arctic and Atlantic oceans.
The Inuit have lived here for more than 4,500 years. The Norse colonized the island in the late 10th century, but disappeared 400 years later. The Danish took control in the 1700s.
Greenland received autonomy in 1979, becoming part of the Danish commonwealth. With more powers granted to the local government in 2008, Denmark now only oversees Greenland’s foreign interactions, military, and finances. It also provides Greenland with an annual subsidy of more than $600 million USD.
Greenland is the largest island on the planet (after ruling out continents), as well as the most sparsely populated country.
Terms: Riata Hunting accepts payment by business check and personal check. American Express, Visa, and MasterCard credit card payments are also accepted and incur a admin/ convenience surcharge of 3.9% in addition to the price listed in Greenland Musk Ox Hunting Packages above.
A 50% deposit is required upon booking to reserve your spot. In some cases, we can split your deposit into three payments; please inquire. Riata will provide a booking contract, receipts for payments, gear lists, travel recommendations and itinerary, and Disclaimer & Waiver of Liability, which must be signed and returned. All hunt prices are in U.S. dollars. Final payment is due no less than 75 days prior to your hunt date. Trips booked within 75 days of arrival require payment in full.
Total costs of the hunt are fixed. There will be no refunds for any hunter leaving early. See our Terms & Conditions for further details.
Muskox Hunting has never been better. Book your hunt soon to get the time slot you’re looking for!
Mike Gardner
Riata Worldwide Hunting & Fishing
“Sportsman’s Connection to Texas & Abroad”
(512) 261-2400 | [email protected]