The Hawaiian Islands are the most secluded place on earth. Simply look at a map or globe and you will realize there is nothing but open ocean for thousands of miles around us. The fish that are caught around the Hawaiian Islands are some of the best prize fish in the world. Pacific Blue Marlin, Mahi Mahi (Dorado), Ahi (yellowfin tuna) and Ono (wahoo) are the most common fish caught around Hawaii. How do we catch them? With experienced captains, the best fishing boats in Maui and the extra effort that others don’t put in!

Our fleet of fishing boats is a small but dedicated family company that lives for extreme adventures and to fish in Hawaii. We live right here in sunny Lahaina, and you can find us almost every day in the Lahaina or Ma’alea harbor assisting our customers and taking pictures of them and their catch.
Aside from being avid fishing and outdoorsmen, we pride ourselves on customer service. We want you to have the best charter fishing trip Maui has to offer! We want you to go back home and tell your friends how we got you hooked into a “big one”.
Our fully furnished oceanfront townhomes and private homes sleep, 2-12 guests.

3 bedroom 2½ bath


4 bedroom 2½ bath beachside home


6 bedroom / 6 bath lodge sleeps 12 guests

…ah yes, the fishing boats!

37 ft. Merrit
The No Problem could be the finest fishing vessel you will ever fish on! No Joke! From its authentic feel to its natural vibe you can’t help but realize you’re fishing on a piece of history! The No Problem is a 37′ Merrit with clout. The birth of the Sportfisher! An avid fisherman. Buddy Merritt built what he perceived to be the perfect fishing boat. The first of his 37-footers were totally lacking the luxuries taken for granted today. They were built for one purpose: to raise and catch fish. In all, 13 of these famed 37-footers were built, and 12 survive to this day. The No Problem has gone through a full make over in mid-2010 including rebuilt engine transmission and interior work. The large back deck of the No Problem is ideal for the live bait style of fishing that we do. The No Problem is also equipped with Penn and Shimano rods and reels.

35 foot Cabo
The Kai Akua’s amenities include a closed cabin, A/C, two flat screens, a DVD player, queen size bed, a dining table, bench seating, a fridge, an oven, an ice chest, a head (bathroom), a shower, GPS, color fish finder and much more. The Kai Akua’s fishing gear is brand new Shimano Tiagra rods and reels and the boat is powered by twin 450 HP Cat Diesels. New lines and lures are added monthly.
The “Kai Akua” is a 35 Cabo. Since 1991 CABO Yachts has established itself as a powerhouse among makers of premium quality sport fishers. A remarkable feat in an industry where history isn’t measured by decades, but by generations.
Pacific Blue Marlin, the granddaddy of them all. Widely considered the greatest game fish you can catch due to its massive size, strength and the show it puts on while being caught. Blue Marlin range in size from 100 lbs to thousands of pounds. Marlin will bite off of lures, live bait or dead bait. We have had success from catching the smaller tuna such as Aku and rigging them up as live bait but trolling artificial lures work very good with Blue marlin as they mimic small fish and squid. Blue Marlin are found in tropical and subtropical regions. Rarely in shallow water, the Blue Marlin prefers the deep blue seas. They have blue top shading gives way to a silvery white bottom. The distinctive bill of the marlin is an extremely course texture somewhat like sandpaper.
Most people who have had the extraordinary opportunity will tell you that catching a giant Pacific Blue Marlin is one of the greatest moments of their lives!
Mahi Mahi is by far the most popular game fish caught while deep sea fishing in Maui and Hawaii. Their numbers are many and their growth rate is speedy. Mahi are some of the most colorful fish you will ever see. Light blue, green and yellow flying through the air! Mahi often put on an aerial show when caught. This is also some of the best-tasting fish you will eat on Maui. Mahi usually travels in schools and often when you find the school you can catch as many as 30 Mahi in just a matter of hours. The female Mahi Mahi have more of a rounded head and the bull males have more of a blunt head. The males are also usually much bigger. Hands down the best way to fish for Mahi Mahi is with live Opelu. Our boats will bait fish for Opelu any chance we get. If we are trolling with Opelu next to a boat that is trolling lures it usually ends up with the other boat frustrated because our charter boat is full of Mahi Mahi and their boat is empty. A live Opelu in front of a Mahi Mahi is like putting a candy bar in front of a 5-year-old, they can’t resist it. Again, lots of boats claim they live to bait for fish but there’s only a handful that truly does it and we’re 3 of them.
Also known as yellowfin Tuna for massively obvious reasons the Ahi is probably the most popular eating fish in local Maui restaurants. It’s a fantastic fighting Hawaiian game fish that likes to run down and give anglers a tough time getting it back to the boat. Ahi is one of many species of tuna, but widely the most popular. They eat mostly smaller fish and squid. Although any Ahi over 30 lbs is considered a prize (usually called a Shibi), most Maui fishing captains will only boat about Ahi over 100 lbs. When fishing for Ahi we use live bait, dead bait, and lures. Live bait tends to work best.
Ono are fast and aggressive. Their feeding method consists of racing up to its pray and slicing through it with its massively sharp teeth. Ono are usually found in shallower water than other Maui game fish. Ono in Hawaiian means delicious which is how most would describe their meat. Averaging around 25 lbs the Ono is a summer fish that is prominent in the months April through October. Ono will bite on live bait, dead bait, and lures and we’ve had great success with both styles.